Driftwood Sculptures that Inspire
From the shores of New Zealand's South Island HSK brings you driftwood
sculptures unsurpassed by any others for their beauty and resilience.
Each piece is a testament to the beauty of nature. With the individual
graining and wood type of each piece, enhanced by the restless motion
of the waves and a final sandblasting on the windy West Coast, the originality
of each sculpture is ensured. Selected on location for its dramatic
appearance and character, each piece is a unique reminder of the beauty
of nature at its very best.
Colour, texture, character
The great variety of trees that grow in the temperate climate of New Zealand
provide a rich harvest of durable and beautiful wood. Transported by torrents
from the Southern Alps, the sculptures are found washed up along the South
West Coast or inland along the rocky riverbeds.
These are just a few of the popular wood types we supply:
Rata (Metrosiderus
A deep red to purple timber, dense and heavy with a long, twisted wavy
grain. It is hard, strong and durable. Southern Rata – not to
be confused with the Northern Rata from the North Island – is
found along the West Coast of the South Island where rainfall is highest.
Summer flowers are vivid red and the trees provide a magnificent sight
when seen growing on the hillsides.
Totara (Podocarpus
A brownish-red heavy wood. It grows throughout the islands. Used originally
as piles to support timber houses, many of which are still intact after
100 years. Synonymous with strength and durability, it has been used as
railway sleepers, telegraph poles and construction timber. Now used mostly
for carving and furniture-making, it is the preferred wood for Maori carving
and canoe construction.
A beautiful, lighter coloured wood of medium weight. The grain is often
swirling and wavy, especially near the roots and limbs, creating a beautiful
effect. A durable timber, traditionally used for Maori carving and is
excellent for musical instruments. A hard-wearing, high resistance wood,
nowadays used for table and bench tops, furniture making, sills and doorstops.
Rimu (Dacrydium
A medium weight wood, used extensively by the first settlers for timber
house framing. Now used for finishing work such as furniture, floors,
walls, benches and architraves.One of the most distinctive forest canopy
trees, the Rimu (or Red Pine) can be found throughout New Zealand and
can reach a height of approximately 40 metres.
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